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Psychological Treatment Services


Our experienced clinicians are proficient in various treatment modalities, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Clinical Hypnosis, and Schema Therapy. 

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Forensic Psychology Assesment


Independent Evaluations and Reports, Psychological Injury Claims, Pre-sentencing and Risk Assessment Reports, Mental Health Assessments and Reports.  With extensive experience and an excellent reputation in the Melbourne legal sector, we offer a range of forensic psychology services.

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Business & Government


Personnel Suitability Evaluation, Personality & Psychological Testing, Workshops and Training, Employee Assistance.

We currently have partnerships with a number of companies providing clinical services in a range of sectors, including finance, aviation, defence and tech.

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Education &



​We provide workshops and psychological therapy training for mental health providers, along with supervision for psychologists and psychology registrars seeking Clinical or Forensic Endorsement. Since our founding we have been dedicated to developing the psychology


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Richmond Central Psychology
30 Thomas St Richmond VIC 3121


Ph:  03 9674 0390
Fax: 03 8678 3933

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